구름 부릉 (Groom Vroong)

구름 부릉 (Groom Vroong)

我在工作的小休时会坐在屋顶的露台上仰望天空。 美丽的天空里布满了云朵。 看着随风轻轻飘过的云彩,我的心变得平静了。 楼下可以看到有鸣笛开过的车辆。 不知道他们向着哪里奔跑呢.. 从云缝里透出来的太阳光使我的眼睛和心灵感到刺痛。 我的内心究竟是向着悠然自得的云朵拥抱着的那片天空,还是疾驰而过的汽车奔驰正在着的灰色城市呢? On a work break I was looking at the sky on my rooftop. The beautiful sky was full of blooming clouds. I felt a peace, just watching the clouds floating along the calm breeze. Below, I see honking cars all in a rush to get somewhere. I wonder where to.. The sunlight pokes my eyes and heart as it does through the clouds. Is my heart full of calm clouds or busy grey cars? <크레딧> Lyrics by 다비(DAVII) Composed by ANTIK, 다비(DAVII) Arranged by ANTIK All instruments performed by ANTIK (Drum,Synth,Bass,String) Vocal, Chorus by 다비(DAVII)

구름 부릉 (Groom Vroong)

DAVII · 1682179200000

我在工作的小休时会坐在屋顶的露台上仰望天空。 美丽的天空里布满了云朵。 看着随风轻轻飘过的云彩,我的心变得平静了。 楼下可以看到有鸣笛开过的车辆。 不知道他们向着哪里奔跑呢.. 从云缝里透出来的太阳光使我的眼睛和心灵感到刺痛。 我的内心究竟是向着悠然自得的云朵拥抱着的那片天空,还是疾驰而过的汽车奔驰正在着的灰色城市呢? On a work break I was looking at the sky on my rooftop. The beautiful sky was full of blooming clouds. I felt a peace, just watching the clouds floating along the calm breeze. Below, I see honking cars all in a rush to get somewhere. I wonder where to.. The sunlight pokes my eyes and heart as it does through the clouds. Is my heart full of calm clouds or busy grey cars? <크레딧> Lyrics by 다비(DAVII) Composed by ANTIK, 다비(DAVII) Arranged by ANTIK All instruments performed by ANTIK (Drum,Synth,Bass,String) Vocal, Chorus by 다비(DAVII)
