「漫無荒野的牛仔,踏入酒館將帽子放上吧台,說出通關密語便跨越了時空。舞廳氛圍浪漫到讓人暈眩,邂逅卻是南柯一夢。只好奮力向前逆水行舟,試圖回到魂牽夢縈的片刻。畢竟遇上你,才是最好的時光。」 馬戲團,一般指包括有雜技、小丑、魔術及其他特技的表演,以娛樂觀眾為目的。 你去過「不開燈俱樂部」了嗎?在五光十色的燈紅酒綠之中,先寒暄再社交,先靦腆再奔放,誰和誰相遇了?在破曉前夕的一片狼籍,馬戲帳蓬已悄然升起。 開演的號角在夜裡吹鳴,人們簇擁而入。荒誕的天馬行空,華麗的神乎其技。戲劇、雜技、野獸,拆解後重新拼湊。我們看到的是異常,也是奇觀。細瑣而破碎,喧囂而瘋狂,規則不是重點,界限的踰越映射的是前所未有的新型態存在。 所有的愛恨情仇,不過是一齣不斷上演的餘興節目。縱情狂歡吧!在失控之前,再次優雅地抱緊全世界。 本作品獲文化部影視及流行音樂產業局108年補助 “Circus, normally refers to a group of acrobats, clowns, magicians, and other performers who come to entertain the audiences.” This time, YELLOW includes 3 songs in their brand-new EP, Circus Fever. Inheriting the black fantasy from their previous EP Urban Disease, the band takes the audiences along to walk into a colourful and fantastic circus tent and enjoy the amazing performance and sensual feast. What does the role a circus play in the world? It reflects people’s fantasy – the most ridiculous and chaotic imagination in their heads. Trivial and broken, noisy and crazy. The acrobatic performers reconstruct our perception to the world, and the clowns make the crossing of boundary possible. Here, rules are no longer in existence.