阮成武的全新单曲《预言》是一首轻松欢快的音乐小品,朗朗上口的旋律配上摇摆的鼓点,搭配Q弹的琶音riff.营造出一副轻松诙谐的画面,歌词表达了现在社会的浮躁和对田园生活的向往,也是受唐代田园诗歌的灵感创作了这首歌曲. 阮成武's new single "Prophecy" is a relaxed and cheerful musical piece. The catchy melody is matched with the swaying drums, and the marimba pluck riff creates a relaxed and witty picture. The lyrics express the impetuousness of the present society. And the yearning for the pastoral life, was also inspired by the idyllic poetry of the Tang Dynasty.