

用刀尖入水 Dipping water with the point of a knife 用显微镜看雪 Examining snow with a microscope 就算反复如此 Doing this over and over 还是忍不住问一问 One still wants to ask 你数过天上的星星吗 Have you counted the stars in the sky 他们和小鸟一样 They're like little brids 总在我胸口跳伞 Ever parachuting though my chest


六一船长 · 1634227200000

用刀尖入水 Dipping water with the point of a knife 用显微镜看雪 Examining snow with a microscope 就算反复如此 Doing this over and over 还是忍不住问一问 One still wants to ask 你数过天上的星星吗 Have you counted the stars in the sky 他们和小鸟一样 They're like little brids 总在我胸口跳伞 Ever parachuting though my chest