“囊玛”藏语意为“内廷歌”或“内室乐”,是藏族民间歌舞发展到较高层次的歌舞音乐艺术形式之一。”囊玛”集歌、舞、乐三位一体,表演以多声部织体为形态,舞蹈动作端庄、典雅、优美、律动性强,常以小型乐队为伴奏形式,是藏族舞蹈音乐艺术中一颗璀璨的明珠。 “堆谐”流传于雅鲁藏布江流域,它以扎木念为主要伴奏乐器,是一门以自弹、自唱、自跳为特色的综合性艺术。“堆谐”不仅在音乐上体现出旋律的优美、节奏的欢快,而且在舞蹈呈现上丰富多彩、形式多样、情绪欢快,是一种艺术格调较高的民间歌舞音乐。 Nangma is a Tibetan term referring to court music or chamber music. It is one of the rather sophisticated traditional art forms developed in Tibet. Nangma performance is a combination of singing, dance and music. The performance of music and song is polyphonic. Alongside the dignified, elegant, graceful and rhythmic dance, there is normally a small band keeping its accompany. It is a treasure of Tibetan music and dance. Toeshey is mainly inherited in the valley of Yarlung Tsangpo. It is a comprehensive art form which uses Dranyen for accompaniment and asks performers to cover the singing, dancing and accompanying all by themselves. Toshey is not only melodious and cheerful under the perspective of music, it also has various yet splendid dancing presentation. It is a comparatively highly artistic form of the traditional country music and dance in Tibet.