祈祷 INORI 我们的肉体能存在的时间到底能多长久呢? 灵魂真正需要的是什么呢? 然后,人们为何不会停止互相关怀呢? 在地球大气层里的我们,在浩瀚宇宙中学习到自我,在这个绝对的能量之下,自然而然的学习到如何祈祷,今世的祈祷是由许多的爱编织起来的。不管是贫穷,或是富人,就算有人种的差异、文化、教育的差异,祈祷这个行为是任何人都可以平等地进行的。我可以经由冥想与创作得知,我的灵魂现在想追求的是什么? 本次的音乐作品-祈祷,结合了VR科技与跨国艺术家-小松美羽的画作,希望透过音乐与绘画这两 种最古老的艺术形式,在听觉与视觉上去表现出祈祷、祈愿的力量,提醒大家去探索无论是外在世界或是内心的平静,让所有体验者找到自己的和平。 This musical piece “Prayer,” combined with VR technology and cross border collaboration with Miwa Komatsu’s paintings, hopes to demonstrate the power of prayers fully through the two oldest art forms: music and painting. The piece aims to remind audiences to explore outer and inner peace, and finally, find their own peace. 黄韵玲往往最被大众认识的地方,就是在流行音乐上许多脍炙人口的歌曲,以及大大小小的监制 创作,但随著心境的改变,在近几年更希望尝试回到音乐的初衷与原点重新再去构思音乐不同的 可能性。在本次创作上,希望能借由更纯粹、回归到更单纯的状态,让传统的乐器展现其原本的 音色,自然的去呈现出琴瑟和鸣的效果,借此让体验者可以感觉的纯净乐器共鸣所带来的沉浸 感。 The public best knows Kay Huang for her charted pop songs and many executive- produced musical works on large and small scales. However, as her mindset changes throughout the years, she gradually begins to consider going back to her original intention of creating music and explore the different possibilities of making music. This time, she hopes to return her creativities to a genuine, and innocent state, and to display the traditional instruments in its original sound. Her goal is to produce a natural harmonic effect with the instruments, allowing the audience to go through the immersive experience brought by the pure resonance of the instruments. 音乐制作.作曲.编曲:黄韵玲 Producer.Compose.Arrangment:Kay Huang 钢琴:黄韵玲 Piano:Kay Huang 贝斯:陈纪烽 Bass:Vincent Chen 鼓:林俊宏 Drum:Jun Lin 萨满泛音声疗乐器: Shamanic Sound Healing Instrument: Leonie Reyneke Leonie Reyneke Aren Chan Aren Chan Kay Lee Kay Lee 弦乐: String: 第一小提琴: Frist Violin: 罗景鸿 Leo Lo 陈翊婷 I-Ting Chen 第二小提琴: Second Violin: 庄力颖 Johnny Chuang 程至德 Jimmy Cheng 中提琴: Viola: 何佳珍 Jessie Ho 大提琴 : Cello: 林宏霖 Hung-Lin Lin 月琴 YueQin: 许雯雅 Wen Ya Hsu 三弦 SanXian: 张育婷 Chang Yu-ting 琵琶: PiPa: 刘佳莹 Liu Chia Ying 打撃: Percussion: 许雯雅 Wen Ya Hsu 张育婷 Chang Yu-ting 萨满泛音声疗乐器录音师/录音室: 黄俊宪 / 九太录音室 Shamanic Sound Healing Instrument Recording Engineer / Recording Studio: Huang Chun Hsien / Nine Tai Studio 弦乐录音师 / 录音室: 柯嘉森 / 强力录音室 String Recording Engineer / Recording Studio: Sen Ko / Mega force Studio 月琴.三弦.琵琶.打撃录音师/录音室: 黄俊宪/白金录音室.金苹果录音室 YueQin.SanXian.PiPa.Percussion Recording Engineer / Recording Studio: Huang Chun Hsien / Platinum Studio.Golden Apple Studio 钢琴录音师/录音室: 黄俊宪 / ff studio Piano Recording Engineer / Recording Studio: Huang Chun Hsien / ff studio 贝斯.鼓录音师/录音室: 陈志翔 / 强力录音室 Bass.Drum Recording Engineer / Recording Studio: 陈志翔 / Mega force Studio 混音师: Mixing Engineer: 黄俊宪 Huang Chun Hsien 母带后期处理: Mastering Engineer: 黄俊宪 Huang Chun Hsien OP: 果核有限公司 GO AHEAD Publish LTD. Company SP: 环球音乐出版股份有限公司 Universal Music Publishing LTD. Taiwan 特别感谢 Special thanks to:卓溪长老教会 Panitaz Kiukai 牧师:撒莱・诺阿南 Salai・Nuanan #此张专辑百分之五十捐赠门诺基金会 #感谢小松美羽 #感谢高桥纪成 #感谢星原 恩 #感谢维特人股份有限公司 #获文化部影视及流行音乐产业局108年补助