
陪伴的安全感罗夏迟早会给你 Why choose that ****ing asshole 而不是选择wait me Voice in my head in my head in my head money on my mind 但你却消失不见 life goes on 我只能不停不停向前move 向来情深但奈何缘浅 眼睁睁看着木变成了暮 暮变成了墓

D.Store · 1557592852438

陪伴的安全感罗夏迟早会给你 Why choose that ****ing asshole 而不是选择wait me Voice in my head in my head in my head money on my mind 但你却消失不见 life goes on 我只能不停不停向前move 向来情深但奈何缘浅 眼睁睁看着木变成了暮 暮变成了墓

