无名之火 (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

无名之火 (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

一场大火让薛铭这个中年"窝囊废"成了网络上的英雄, 但真 实情况并没有这么简单。莫名的热度让他无所适从, 突如其来的名利使他产生了"翻身"的错觉, 却也让薛铭内心受尽煎 熬。更令薛铭意想不到的是, 他就像被人控制的傀儡, 热度和名利竟然也可以被有心之人设计策划。当被高高架起的他想要真诚面对公众的时候,遭遇到的可能是與论反噬对生活的毁灭性打击。骑虎难下之时, 薛铭想到了一个办法, 扑灭无名之火需要舍身入局。 A major fire turned Xue Ming, a middle-aged "loser," into an online hero, but the reality is not that simple. The unexpected fame left him feeling lost, and the sudden wealth and recognition gave him the illusion of a "comeback," but it also brought inner torment. What Xue Ming didn't expect was that he was like a puppet controlled by others, with his fame and fortune being orchestrated by those with ulterior motives. When he tried to genuinely face the public, he encountered the potential backlash of public opinion, which could have a devastating impact on his life. In a situation where he couldn't back down, Xue Ming thought of a way: to extinguish the nameless fire, he had to sacrifice himself and enter the fray.

无名之火 (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

孛儿只斤·包迪 · 1721750400000

一场大火让薛铭这个中年"窝囊废"成了网络上的英雄, 但真 实情况并没有这么简单。莫名的热度让他无所适从, 突如其来的名利使他产生了"翻身"的错觉, 却也让薛铭内心受尽煎 熬。更令薛铭意想不到的是, 他就像被人控制的傀儡, 热度和名利竟然也可以被有心之人设计策划。当被高高架起的他想要真诚面对公众的时候,遭遇到的可能是與论反噬对生活的毁灭性打击。骑虎难下之时, 薛铭想到了一个办法, 扑灭无名之火需要舍身入局。 A major fire turned Xue Ming, a middle-aged "loser," into an online hero, but the reality is not that simple. The unexpected fame left him feeling lost, and the sudden wealth and recognition gave him the illusion of a "comeback," but it also brought inner torment. What Xue Ming didn't expect was that he was like a puppet controlled by others, with his fame and fortune being orchestrated by those with ulterior motives. When he tried to genuinely face the public, he encountered the potential backlash of public opinion, which could have a devastating impact on his life. In a situation where he couldn't back down, Xue Ming thought of a way: to extinguish the nameless fire, he had to sacrifice himself and enter the fray.