新乐府大拜年 Vol.4

新乐府大拜年 Vol.4

延续新乐府刷屏的“大拜年传统”,用多种方式解读民乐和传统名曲,由潮流国乐乐队"新乐府民乐氣氛组"创排、录制,力图让“民乐重回民间” 专辑名:《新乐府大拜年Vol.4》 歌手名:新乐府/新民氣 出品人:卢中强 Produced by: Lu Zhongqiang 总策划:Nola Promoter: Nola 制作人:卢中强/周侠/张晶 Producer: Lu Zhongqiang/Zhou Xia/Zhang Jin 监制:卢中强 Supervisor:Lu Zhongqiang 录音师:张瑞卯@CMH Studio Recording Engineer: ZHANG Ruimao@CMH Studio 混音及母带:吴超雄@CMH Studio Mixing & Mastering Engineer: WU Chaoxiong 录音棚:新乐府录音棚(北京) Recording Studio: CMH Studio(Beijing) 艺人统筹:艮艮 Artist co-ordination:Gengen 视觉设计:赵畅@13-MDS Art Work: ZHAO Chang@13-MDS 出品:新乐府 Production: China Music House 版权提供:十三月文化 版权所有 翻版必究 (C)2023十三月文化 13-Month C&C All rights of the production of the owner and of the work reproduced reserved. Any unauthorized copying, hiring, lending, public performance, broadcasting and transmission of the recording is strictly prohibited.

新乐府大拜年 Vol.4

新乐府 · 1674057600000

延续新乐府刷屏的“大拜年传统”,用多种方式解读民乐和传统名曲,由潮流国乐乐队"新乐府民乐氣氛组"创排、录制,力图让“民乐重回民间” 专辑名:《新乐府大拜年Vol.4》 歌手名:新乐府/新民氣 出品人:卢中强 Produced by: Lu Zhongqiang 总策划:Nola Promoter: Nola 制作人:卢中强/周侠/张晶 Producer: Lu Zhongqiang/Zhou Xia/Zhang Jin 监制:卢中强 Supervisor:Lu Zhongqiang 录音师:张瑞卯@CMH Studio Recording Engineer: ZHANG Ruimao@CMH Studio 混音及母带:吴超雄@CMH Studio Mixing & Mastering Engineer: WU Chaoxiong 录音棚:新乐府录音棚(北京) Recording Studio: CMH Studio(Beijing) 艺人统筹:艮艮 Artist co-ordination:Gengen 视觉设计:赵畅@13-MDS Art Work: ZHAO Chang@13-MDS 出品:新乐府 Production: China Music House 版权提供:十三月文化 版权所有 翻版必究 (C)2023十三月文化 13-Month C&C All rights of the production of the owner and of the work reproduced reserved. Any unauthorized copying, hiring, lending, public performance, broadcasting and transmission of the recording is strictly prohibited.


