可能是史上最啰嗦的表白歌,初听是充满少女心的生活画面,再听是一次预谋已久的表白,第三次又会觉得是在借这次表白展现自己对生活的热爱。表白的对象除了可以成为恋人的那个人,也可以是吃饭、睡觉、工作、爱好,甚至我们面临困难和对手。希望每个人都能在生活中找到勇气,这是彩虹一直以来传递的生活态度。 编曲:田汨(编曲版)/郭一凡(吉他版) 混音:莫家伟 吉他演奏:郭一凡(吉他版) 封面制作:金承志 封面摄影:夏米 封面出镜:老刘 It might be the most talkative song of confession ever. Initially, you can see a warm and lovely image of daily life then find it a well-prepared confession, and you will come to know that it is a confession to life if you listen to it again. We can not only tell confession to the ones who we love but also every factor in our daily life even difficulties and competitors we confront with… What we would like to convey in the song is a hope that everyone can find his or her own courage in lifetime.
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