《一枝花》本是由唢呐大家任同祥根据山东地方戏和其他民间音调编写而成。一枝花采用了山东梆子中的“哭腔”音调,旋律波澜起伏,情思如泣如诉。摇滚音乐的加入更是在原本凄楚悲壮、肝肠痛断的基础至上,增加了一副不满与反抗。而这份反抗也在音乐的后半段得到升华,与前面的凄楚音调形成对比。 "One Flower" was originally edited and adaptor by Ren Tongxiang, a suona master, based on local Shandong opera and other folk tunes. The melody is undulating and the emotions are like sobbing because the music adopted the "sobbing tone" of Shandong Bangzi opera. The addition of rock music adds a sense of discontent and rebellion to the original poignant and sorrowful, heartbreaking foundation. This rebellion is also sublimated in the second half of the music, contrasting with the poignant tone in the front. 演奏:陈力宝 作曲:民间音乐 编创:任同祥 编曲:赵龙 吉他:赵龙 贝斯:伢子 鼓:葛维彬 出品人:卢中强 总策划:Nola 制作人:赵龙 监制:卢中强 录音师:李林枫@CMH Studio/张瑞卯@CMH Studio 混音及母带:吴超雄@CMH Studio 录音棚:新乐府录音棚(北京) 文案:吴秋硕 视觉设计:赵畅@13MDS 出品:新乐府 版权提供:十三月文化 版权所有 翻版必究 (C)十三月文化 13-Month C&C
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