新シリーズ 女性向けシチュエーションドラマ 「ペンタプリズム~知らなかった彼の秘密~」シリーズ第1弾。複数の人格を持つ彼と甘く刺激的な恋愛を楽しめるシチュエーション満載! 第1弾は声優の『白井悠介』演じる、普段は優しく温厚な彼「結城彩斗」。 【ストーリー】 長年付き合っている彼と同棲を始める為、彼の家に引っ越してきたアナタ。 大好きな彼との同棲生活に胸を躍らせていたアナタだったが、彼の様子がいつもと少し……違う? どうやら彼には、貴方に話せていないヒミツがあったようで……? 【全編ダミーヘッドマイク使用】 甘いセリフのシーンで、本当に耳元に囁かれているような 臨場感あふれるサウンドを味わうことが出来ます。 New series Situation drama for women The first in the "Pentaprism ~His secrets you didn't know~" series. Full of situations where you can enjoy sweet and exciting love with a man with multiple personalities! The first one is Ayato Yuki, who is usually kind and gentle, played by voice actor Yusuke Shirai. 【story】 You have moved into his house to start living with the man you have been dating for many years. She was excited about living together with the man she loves, but he seems to be acting a little...different than usual? It seems like he has a secret that he hasn't told you...? [Dummy head microphone used throughout] It's a scene with sweet dialogue, and it feels like someone is whispering it in your ear. You can enjoy realistic sound.
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